습관을 애정한다

Code Signal: Intro=55/60

by 습관중독
import numpy as np
def differentSquares(matrix):
    temp = []
    #for i in range(0,2):
    for i in range(len(matrix)-1):        
        #for j in range(0,2):            
        for j in range(len(matrix[0])-1):                        
            row1 = []
            row2 = []
            row = []
            row1 = matrix[i][j:j+2]
            row2 = matrix[i+1][j:j+2]            
            #print("row1, row2",row1, row2)
            #print("row", row)
    def unique_by_first(a):
        tmp = a.reshape(a.shape[0], -1)
        b = np.ascontiguousarray(tmp).view(np.dtype((np.void, tmp.dtype.itemsize * tmp.shape[1])))
        _, idx = np.unique(b, return_index=True)
        return  a[idx].reshape(-1, *a.shape[1:])
    TEMP = unique_by_first(np.array(temp))
    return len(TEMP)

2/7 sample tests passed. Execution error on test 3: Something went wrong when executing the solution - program stopped unexpectedly with an error.

Traceback (most recent call last): main.py3 in the pre-written template, in getUserOutputs userOutput = _runoisas(testInputs[i]) main.py3 in the pre-written template, in _runoisas return differentSquares(*_fArgs_hvdwzcoriwob) main.py3 on line 27, in differentSquares TEMP = unique_by_first(np.array(temp)) main.py3 on line 22, in unique_by_first tmp = a.reshape(a.shape[0], -1) ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 0 into shape (0,newaxis)

Sample tests: 2/7

'코드 파이트(Code Signal)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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블로그의 정보

습관을 애정한다

